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Hybrid Memory Keeping with Canva

What is "hybrid" memory keeping?

Hybrid by definition is "a thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture". Which translated into memory keeping means a mix of paper and digital elements combined to record a story.

I've been following Ali Edwards for over 15 years now and really love how she has influenced an entire community of memory keepers to visually craft their own story. Recently I purchased an online class of Ali's titled: Hybrid Product Play No. 1. Ali's hybrid classes are designed to help you learn and use photoshop. But, if I'm being totally honest, for me photoshop can be very intimidating, and somewhat frustrating to use, especially if I'm trying to make a quick scrapbook page. ​

Using Canva for memory keeping.

I set out to "test" a theory that Canva could be an alternative to photoshop with the same amazing results.

I followed along with this class at Ali Edwards Design. The two 6"x8" hybrid pages above were completed completely using Canva for the design, in combination with Google drive for photo storage and printing. I'm thrilled with how these pages came out.

Embellishments + Digital Elements | Ali Edwards Story Kit // Eat

I'm excited to have a start to my "foodie" album.


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